PDP Ref. No NRB/332/2025/1 NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of sections 13(g), and 69(1 and 4) of the Physical and Land Use Pla...
PDP Ref. No NRB/336/2025/01 Regularisation of Existing Site for: a) Chepalungu Affordable Housing Program Site, Phase I b) Chepalungu Affordable Housing Program Site, Phase II
PDP Ref. No NRB/336/2025/01 NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 13(g), and 69(1) of the Physical and Land Use Planning...
PDP Ref. No NRB/17/2025/02 Regularisation of Existing Site for: a) Kapsuswa Affordable Housing Program Site, Phase I b) Kapsuswa Affordable Housing Program Site, Phase II
PDP Ref. No NRB/17/2025/02 NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 13(g), and 69(1) of the Physical and Land Use Planning ...
PDP Ref. No NRB/126/2025/01 Regularisation of Existing Site for Emgwen Affordable Housing Program Site, Nandi County
PDP Ref. No NRB/126/2025/01 NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 13(g), and 69(1) of the Physical and Land Use Planning...
PDP Ref. No NRB/56/25/01 Machakos Town Affordable Housing Program (MOW Camp)
PDP Ref. No NRB/56/25/01 NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 13(g), and 69(1 and 4) of the Physical and Land Use Plann...
86 Charters for Gazetted Cities and Municipalities
The following is a list of the 86 Charters for Gazetted Cities and Municipalities Ahero Awasi Municipality Awendo Gazzeted Municipality Charter (2) Aw...
CS Wahome presides over performance contract signing ceremony for PSs, lauds Lands PS for raising more revenue
Nairobi, December 5, 2024 Lands Cabinet Secretary Hon. Alice Wahome today witnessed a performance signing ceremony where the PSs for Lands and Physica...
State Department for Lands and Physical Planning receives award as the State Department with highest number of transactions on the eCitizen Platform
Nairobi, November 28, 2024 The State Department for Lands and Physical Planning has emerged the winner as the State Department with the highest number...
National Assembly Departmental Committee on Lands visits Kilifi Land Registry
Kilifi, November 23, 2024. The National Assembly Departmental Committee on Lands led by chairman MP Hon. Joash Nyamoko today paid a visit to the Kilif...
State Department for Lands requests for Parliament’s support to increase funding for digitization
Mombasa, November 22, 2024 The State Department for Lands and Physical Planning today asked for Parliament’s support in raising budgetary alloca...