The Ministry is developing the National Land Information Management System (NLIMS). This system is designed to enhance security of land records, improve accessibility and cut down cost of land transactions. The system will create an online platform for paperless transactions that are easy, cost effective, efficient and transparent. The Ministry will roll out the pilot phase in the financial year 2020/ 2021.
Staff are set to undergo change management training in order to support them through the change process, specifically the transition from manual system to the new paperless land administration and information management system.
The Ministry is committed to conducting regular stakeholder-engagement forums. Some of the key stakeholders include: Law Society of Kenya (LSK), Kenya Bankers Association and Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) amongst others. These forums are geared towards initiating collaborative approaches in the implementation of key reforms. They also offer opportunities for feedback on the Ministry’s activities and programmes. Digitisation, like any other technological innovation, is disruptive. The Ministry acknowledges that changes to land management and registration processes will likely have far-reaching impact on many actors inside and outside the Ministry. Other targeted stakeholders include landowners, tax and law-enforcement agencies and interested parties that have a stake in the complex registration transactions. The support and goodwill of these stakeholders is critical to the successful implementation of the programme. These stakeholders need to be engaged to facilitate the transition.