No. The Ministry has set aside a team of surveyors to handle the issues of survey on demand...
Who bears the cost for the on demand surveyors?
Government of Kenya/Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning. The costs of surveying and geo-referencing incurred by the Ministry shall be in relation ...
Does the system allow us to do a search on a title without uploading it. It was a problem on e-citizen with responses of title not clear etc. Perhaps an easier way would be as the BRS allows us to do…by registration number
Ardhisasa is independent and has no connection with e-citizen. In conducting a search, the critical issue is the parcel number and getting approval/co...
What if I key in wrong information in the system?
The system always asks you to verify the information you have given before submitting...
How do I re-book an already existing TRANSFER?
A transaction that has already commenced and some steps have taken place can only be done manually as before. Transactions in the system require that ...
Can we now have access to the files in the 10th floor now?
Our files have always been available. All our files for Nairobi County are on a digital platform, therefore there shall be no need for a physical file...
Madam CS …how far has the Land parcels LR No. conversion gone? Is this not likely to confuse the processes?
The cadaster for Nairobi County is already done. The whole of Nairobi has been divided into blocks. The conversion of LR numbers into blocks is ongoin...
I have tried to create an account since it was launched but I have yet to get an OTP to email hence I can’t access the system. How is this being addressed?
OTP code is sent to your phone. If you are not receiving OTP codes on your phone it means you have blocked your phone from receiving promotional messa...
In survey and mapping department what services are offered here?
Subdivision, amalgamation, new grant, re-survey, extension of lease...
What is the certificate of lease is it the title deed?
Certificate of lease is the ownership document for a leasehold property...