All Gazetted Parcels as at 9th May, 2024

PURSUANT to regulation 4 (4) of the Land Registration
(Registration Units) Order, 2017, the Cabinet Secretary for Lands and
Physical Planning, having received from the Registrar conversion list
and cadastral maps in respect of Nairobi Land Registration Unit,
hereby notifies the general public that land reference numbers
specified in the first column of the Schedule have been converted to
new parcel numbers, specified in the second column thereof, with
corresponding area respectively specified in the third column.
Any person with an interest in land within the registration unit who
is aggrieved by the information in the conversion list or the cadastral
maps is invited, within the next ninety (90) days from the date of
publication of this notice to —
(a) make a complaint, in writing in Form LRA 96 set out in the
Second Schedule to the Land Registration (Registration
Units) Order, 2017, to the Registrar in respect of the
information contained in the conversion list and the cadastral
maps; or
(b) apply to the Registrar in Form LRA 67 set out in the Sixth
Schedule to the Land Registration (General) Regulations,
2017 for the registration of a caution pending the clarification
or resolution of any complaint.
The conversion lists and cadastral maps can also be accessed
(i) Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, Ardhi House, 1st
Ngong Avenue, Nairobi
(ii) Department of Surveys (Survey of Kenya), Ruaraka
(iii) Ministry website:
All transactions or dealings relating to parcels affected by the
notice shall from the 9th August, 2024 be carried out in the new

Gazette Vol. 63 7-5-24 Special (Land Conversion 18)

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