This report has been prepared pursuant to Article 153 (4) (a) and (b), which require cabinet secretaries to provide Parliament with full and regular reports concerning matters under their control. The report highlights the progress and achievements of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in execution of its mandate in the Financial Year 2020/ 2021.
During the Financial Year under review (2020/ 2021), the Ministry made significant progress in the ascertainment of rights and interests in land, settlement of landless Kenyans, processed a total of 410,010 title deeds, surveyed and demarcated 33,039 parcels to settle landless households and operationalised twenty (20) Continuous Operating Reference Stations (CORs). It also updated topographical maps in all 47 counties. The Ministry developed and launched the National Land Information Management System (NLIMS). In conjunction with other key stakeholders, the Ministry embarked on the preparation of a National Land Value Index to provide for a credible valuation database for use in investment and land compensation decisions.
The full report can be downloaded from the link below: