March 18, 2024 Lands Cabinet Secretary Hon. Alice Wahome this morning presided over the launch of the Ministry’s Strategic Plan fo...
Lands department starts digitization of Land records in Isiolo
19, March 13, 2024. The State Department for Lands and Physical Planning has started digitizing land records in Isiolo Lands registry. Meanwhile, digi...
The State Department for Lands and Physical Planning would like to notify the public that the Ardhisasa system will undergo scheduled maintenance from...
Lands PS Korir calls for stricter reporting procedures to control fraud, enhance staff performance
NAIVASHA, January 19, 2023 Lands and Physical Planning PS Hon. Generali Nixon Korir has said that an efficient reporting mechanism will improve accoun...
Lands CS Hon. Alice Wahome opens a State Department for Lands and Physical Planning retreat, Naivasha
January, 18,2024 Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development Cabinet Secretary Hon. Alice Wahome accompanied by Lands PS Hon. Generali N...
PS Lands, KRA Commissioner General hold consultations to finalize integration of iTax and NLIMS to streamline revenue collection
November 30, 2023 The Principal Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning Hon. Generali Nixon Korir on Thursday afternoon held consultations wi...
Sessional Paper No.3 of 2009 on National Land Policy
State Department for Lands holds public participation forums on proposed review of land legislation Inbox
November 21,2023 The State Department for Lands and Physical Planning has organized public participation forums on proposed amendments on various land...
Change of Stamp Duty Payment Channel
Change of Stamp Duty Payment Channel...